Grow NJ Kids

Grow NJ Kids is a state-sponsored initiative to raise the quality of child care and early learning throughout New Jersey.

Serving Essex, Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean & Somerset Counties

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In July 2015, PCA-NJ was awarded a five year grant to develop a technical assistance center for early childhood education programs participating in Grow NJ Kids — NJ’s Quality Rating and Improvement System.

Our Technical Assistance Center provides individualized support to participating programs to help them improve the quality of their centers. Our team of Technical Assistance Specialists have specialized, practical knowledge and skills that will empower early childhood staff to implement the most effective programming.

More About GrowNJKids

Technical Assistance (TA) is provided to programs through:

Ready to Learn More?

To learn more about the TA Center, download our brochure below, and sign up for our monthly newsletter.