Affidavit of Service: This document is used by the person who served the Complaint and Summons upon the Defendant, to state that he or she either personally delivered the documents to the Defendant or left the documents with a person of suitable age and discretion at the Defendants residence.
1. Download the South Carolina Affidavit of Service form from a reputable legal forms website, such as US Legal Forms.
2. Fill out the following required information on the form:
- Your name and address
- The case number and court information
- The names of the parties involved in the case
- The date and method of service
- A description of the documents served
3. Sign the form in the presence of a notary or other authorized official.
4. File the completed Affidavit of Service with the court as proof that the required documents were properly served.
It is not possible to fill out the form online if you are not a subscriber of US Legal Forms. However, on US Legal Forms site users can find up-to-date lawyer-approved, state-specific form templates and complete or download them in Word, PDF, and RTF formats.
To get a form on US Legal Forms, users should register and buy a Basic or Premium subscription on a monthly or annual basis. This will grant access to a wide range of legal forms and templates for various legal needs.