Tax evasion policy statement

Tax Evasion

Are your staff sufficiently prepared for the Criminal Finances Act? Ensuring everyone is familiar with your organisations’ procedures to prevent facilitation of tax evasion will go a long way to protect your company from prosecution. We have therefore created a tax evasion code of conduct policy template based on the Criminal Finances Act that can easily be edited and made available to all staff, clients and stakeholders.

Tax Evasion Policy: An Overview

What should a tax evasion code of conduct include?

A tax evasion code of conduct should include any processes and procedures in place to help ensure staff are not, either knowingly or unknowingly, facilitating tax evasion.

A tax evasion code of conduct should include:

Download VinciWorks’ free tax evasion policy template

To download our free tax evasion code of conduct policy template click on the button below.